Маленькие гардеробные

Маленькие гардеробные Маленькие гардеробные лучше всего подходят для небольших квартир. Узкие и не слишком длинные, а то и вовсе угловые, они способны разместиться в компактном пространстве. По габаритам небольшие гардеробные могут незначительно превышать шкаф-купе на несколько секций, но благодаря продуманной организации внутреннего пространства всё же являются более вместительными.
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Closet Visio-T collection
Дуб Винченца серый
Closet Visio-T collection
A built-in closet for your home with glass sliding doors presents a clothes storage system with shelves, racks for hangers, baskets, niches of different sizes, and a pull-out system.
A walk-in closet with glass sliding doors is a beautifully designed storage system. Having relatively small overall dimensions, it contains all the components that are necessary for comfortable experience. Shelves, clothes racks for hangers, baskets, niches of different sizes, and a pull-out storage system –– everything is thought out and arranged for your convenience. You can place the set both in a bedroom and in a hallway, because it can improve the look of any room. Furniture materials and designs The elements of the closet body are made of laminated chipboard in the Vincen
Closet Urban collection
Ситивуд Черный
Closet Urban collection
A minimalistic and spacious closet in the Urban style. The style of the furniture is emphasized by LED lighting. The doors are enclosed in an aluminum two-piece frame.
A walk-in closet executed in a pointedly industrial style will be an excellent solution for an interior with an urban or loft design. The combination of the shades of steel grey, black, and graphite with hard lines and right angles will perfectly emphasize the originality and expressiveness of these current styles. At the same time, the system is functionally equipped with everything necessary and is ergonomic and easy to use. All you have to do is choose its location –– thanks to the versatile design, it will look great in any room decorated in a suitable style. Furniture materials